We took him to the doctor as soon as we noticed it, and they said he had an ear infection...those don't cause rashes.
Then she said peanuts...false.
Then we concluded with "viral rash."
I can get with that.
She also told us that if it worse or not better in 3-5 days or if any facial swelling happened to call.
When we woke up this morning (at 6am, not normal) Max's eyes were swollen a little, and we are on day 6 of no improvement and possibly a little worse on the rash. Nothing super noticeably different though.
So, I shall call the doctor when they open at 8 and get him in there today. He is finally down for a nap, and I hope he will get a little rest. I just hate it when my little man doesn't feel good.
I will post an update once I have one,
Prayers are always welcome. (:
-The Happy Hippie Mama
We did a blood count at the doctor's office ad they confirmed that it is a viral rash. His body is just having a difficult time fighting it off, so we only hope for the best and say lots of prayers!
She said if by next week we don't see improvement to bring him in again.
Hopefully with time and the help of God we can get through this without having to take any more action!
What am I saying? My Maximus is Super Man - he'll fight this off! 😃👍