Friday, September 13, 2013

Well, I've missed you all.

I've (obviously) not been posting very much lately. 
I'm making an effort to get at least in blog entry, preferably more, in per week, but I've been failing pretty hard at that. 
I do have an excuse though! Excuses, excuses!
First was my son's first birthday, for which I had to shop, bake, and decorate. 
Then we went on a family vacation with some of our great friends, and finally we returned home to my husband having a new schedule at work and myself starting a new job babysitting from home two days per week. 

All is well in our home. 
We are blessed and we are joyful,
Just busy,
But we are almost accustomed and in our new routines, so hopefully I will be able to start blogging as much as I'd like to and we can get things rolling again!

Thank you all for your continued support!

-The Happy Hippie Mama