Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cheesy Potato Soup

This is a favorite around our house...probably because I make it so much. 

Because it's SO SIMPLE!

Here's what you need:
Potatoes (I use plain ol russets)
Cheddar cheese

What you CAN add:
Bacon pieces
Sour cream
Green onions
Bell peppers
The list goes on and on and on and......

You NEED TO HAVE only four ingredients though: milk, potatoes, butter, and cheese. 

I never measure amounts of my ingredients, I always just eye ball it, but this is the guesstimated recipe which should be fantastic!

First dice all of your potatoes (6-8) and put them in a pot. Cover the potatoes with water and boil for...I'd say twenty minutes. Until they're soft to the poke. :)

Turn your burner to low. 

Drain your water and immediately add butter. I use two tablespoons, that's up to you! 

Then comes the cheese and milk. I use about two cups of grated cheese. You can use more or less just depending on how CHEESY you want your soup. 

Then add as much milk (I sometimes also use a little half and half if we have it) as you want. Sometimes I make this thick and chunky and sometimes I like it more soupy. I add a little stir, add a little stir, etc. 

Then I take my spoon and mash the potatoes against the side of my pot to make less chunks. I keep this particular soup quite chunky though. 

I also add generous amounts of salt and pepper I this before eating and stir it in well. If you don't do this, the soup will be UNBELIEVABLY BLAND!

That's the recipe, and I hope you all enjoy!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Macaroni & Cheeeeese. Real cheese.

Here's the recipe I came up with, this is only my first time making it, but I think it turned out DELISH! : 

Boil 4-5 cups of pasta. I recommend four for whole grain and five for regular. The taste of the whole grain can overpower the sauce if it is not proportional. 

Meanwhile...in another pot: 
Combine 1 1/2 cups SHARP CHEDDAR cheese, grated, two tablespoons of butter, one cup of milk and spices of your choosing. I added a smalllllllll amount of chicken boullion, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and basil. Weird combo, I know....but it was delicious, just a smidge if each. Heat so that the cheese melts. 

Drain your noodles, add sauce, and boom! 

Home made Mac & Cheese. :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Well, I've missed you all.

I've (obviously) not been posting very much lately. 
I'm making an effort to get at least in blog entry, preferably more, in per week, but I've been failing pretty hard at that. 
I do have an excuse though! Excuses, excuses!
First was my son's first birthday, for which I had to shop, bake, and decorate. 
Then we went on a family vacation with some of our great friends, and finally we returned home to my husband having a new schedule at work and myself starting a new job babysitting from home two days per week. 

All is well in our home. 
We are blessed and we are joyful,
Just busy,
But we are almost accustomed and in our new routines, so hopefully I will be able to start blogging as much as I'd like to and we can get things rolling again!

Thank you all for your continued support!

-The Happy Hippie Mama

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Red bumps everywhere.

Well, Max has had a rash for days now. 
We took him to the doctor as soon as we noticed it, and they said he had an ear infection...those don't cause rashes. 
Then she said peanuts...false. 
Then we concluded with "viral rash."
I can get with that. 

She also told us that if it worse or not better in 3-5 days or if any facial swelling happened to call. 

When we woke up this morning (at 6am, not normal) Max's eyes were swollen a little, and we are on day 6 of no improvement and possibly a little worse on the rash. Nothing super noticeably different though. 

So, I shall call the doctor when they open at 8 and get him in there today. He is finally down for a nap, and I hope he will get a little rest. I just hate it when my little man doesn't feel good. 
I will post an update once I have one, 
Prayers are always welcome. (:

-The Happy Hippie Mama 

We did a blood count at the doctor's office ad they confirmed that it is a viral rash. His body is just having a difficult time fighting it off, so we only hope for the best and say lots of prayers!
She said if by next week we don't see improvement to bring him in again. 
Hopefully with time and the help of God we can get through this without having to take any more action!

What am I saying? My Maximus is Super Man - he'll fight this off! 😃👍

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My house is a wreck.

Today I am having a great day. 
Despite the fact that there are mountains of laundry that need to be folded (at least they're all clean,) the dishwasher needs to be loaded, and I need to start preparing for supper - all I can think about is how happy I am to be spending this beautiful day with my son. 

We went for a walk this morning, well...I walked and he rode his nifty new trycicle.
We watched Bolt, which is a super cute Disney film about a dog who triumphs in the end, of course, and now he is napping and I am Facebooking/blogging. 

As simple as all of these things are that have made my mood so bright today, I think they need to be mentioned. We get so caught up in the bad of the world sometimes that we don't stop to see the simple happiness that is right in front of our faces. 

Whatever you do, do so with JOY. 

The loads of laundry means I have a house full of people I love. 
The need to cook supper every night means that we are all together around the dinner table. 
The diaper laundry means that I have a beautiful healthy baby boy
And the need to sit on the couch and relax at the end of the day...
That just comes with the job. 

- The Happy Hippie Mama. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Am I really doing this?

Well, I have always wanted to start a blog, but I've never really had much to talk about! Now that I am married, a mom, a housewife, etc. I feel like maybe, just MAYBE someone out there might want to hear (or read, rather) what I have to say!
My life in a nutshell:
I am a mother to a beautiful ten month old little boy, wife to a wonderful husband who works very hard to provide for us and make it to where I am able to stay home with our son, a housewife, and so on.
I have a rather small side of the family and Chris (hubby) has a pretty large side, so we are with family frequently, which I love for our son, Max!
We have recently, since Max was born, turned over a new leaf and started moving towards being as "green" and organic of a family as possible! We try our best to eat healthy, which has proven to be a HARD habit to break, we make our own soaps, shampoos, laundry detergents, etc. I VERY rarely buy cleaning products,but there are some I just can't resist! We cloth diaper Max and LOVE that, have chosen, at least for now, to be a one vehicle family, we have a small, and I mean SMALL 8ftx8ft garden, but we hope to have a HUGE (to us) one acre garden one day with another few acres for free range chickens and maybe a cow, or pig, or any edible grass fed livestock...but DEFINITELY I have to have my chickens!
We are buying our first home now, a trailer,large and nice, but still a trailer and it is only on about 1/3 of an acre, so we are very limited in what we can do and the place we live is very regulated about no outside animals and such, but once this is paid off (in just a few years) we plan on selling it and using that money toward the down payment on a home with much much more land!
Soooooo, that's us!

Follow this blog if you want to see posts about natural living, organic eating, pinterest project overload, and a Christian based family!

Bye bye for now!